Every cacher has a profile page where other cachers can go and look you up. You can put anything you want on the page. Most people put up their milestone caches (1st, 100th, 200th, etc.) with the name of the cache they found to get there. Others have maps that show which states they cached in. Most maps are real simple and straight forward, a US map with the states borders and each state they cached in colored red. No other info. Steve (my brother) is the one who got me into caching and he had a cool map on his profile so he showed me how to make my own. Anyhow, everytime Peter has gone out of town he takes my GPS and finds me at least one cache in each different state that he visits so I can add it to my map. Here is my map so far. Each blue circle represents one cache found in that location. As you can see FL is getting harder and harder to make out. There are a ton of circles you can't see because they are all on top of each other.
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