At least now I am clean
Well, I took a big step today and got up to take a shower. I was in so much pain I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I spent most of the time just praying to God to give me strength. Peter helped me a lot (just like always) and took good care of me. I am trying so hard to do things myself because I know I need to eventually but it is so nice to have him here to help. He put the shampoo and conditioner in my hands and handed me wash clothes and took my bandages as I peeled them off. Thank goodness for those bars in the showers, it helped relieve the weight and stress off my belly at times. The Dr said that my pain is so great because I had triplets. Most of what I have been feeling is cramping due to my uterus contracting back to it's normal size. In a singleton birth your uterus grows to 1000x it's normal size, I have no idea how big it gets with trips. By the end of the shower I had to sit down, I was hurting so much and could barely move. I still have the IV in my arm though it is not connected to anything and they had to tape it up for my shower. When the nurse finally got the

Peter took the picture with his camera phone from my hospital window. It's nice to be able to see some flowers. I haven't gotten any this time around but I can still enjoy the ones from my window. My Dad came by to see me yesterday which was a nice surprise and then later Michael and Angella came over and brought me chocolate (I missed it so much) and then proceeded to make me laugh a lot which hurt really bad. Thanks for coming guys I really enjoyed the company (even if it was painful)!
I'm very grateful that your gift of love to the new parents is complete, and that you are
on the road back to full health, strength and energy. I can't even imagine what you have been through with a roller coaster of feelings and emotions, not
to mention the medical challenges. Through the grace of God, your commitment has been met.
Happy 2 years to your dear Abbi (I hope I'm spelling her name
correctly)...your daughters
are so beautiful and loving. Such a blessing.
The peace and comfort of God is yours through Christ. You continue to do all things through
Christ, which strengthens you. You are the daughter of God, all glorious within.
I hope that you are doing well, despite all that went on. I will keep those
babies and yourself in my prayers. You are an amazing woman! I wish you a
speedy recovery. Take care.
You had a really rough night and I pray that you are doing much better at this time. I know that you will be much,much better when you get home to your girls.
I am saddened by the fact that the "parents" did not at least stop in to say "thank you for giving us a family", but that is their problem. I will be in touch. Knowing you are surrounded by so much loving support makes me rejoice that you count me as friend. I am truly blessed to know you and your family.
Hugs all around.
It truly takes an angel like yourself to do what you did and to go through what you did for someone else. In the end Chellee, God will only give what he knows we can handle. I truly believe that Baby A made it as far as she did so that her brother and sister could survive. Baby A truly was a blessing because she gave life to her siblings. Always remember that you are fulfilling Gods plan. He placed you where you are now and will truly bless you. I can not say that I know how your feeling because I don't, but I do know that soon your heart will mend when you see what gifts you gave to your IP's. Congrats to you Chellee for being a strong and beautiful person. May God continue to bless you.
What an incredible journey. Chellee...remember that God is there for you. We (your surro sisters far & wide) are here for you too. Your IP's are going to have 2 beautiful baby's to bring up in this world because of such a sweet angel as you. Yours is an incredible testimony of faith & endurance. Your journey is that of unselfishness and love. Baby A was still carried within the womb of a beautiful woman who offered the opportunity of life. Babies B & C will be able to take their 1st steps, say 1st words, graduate kindergarten, have 1st puppy love crushes, feel the joy of friendships, experience tough lessons & even heartaches and loss, play sports, do community service, go to senior prom, then off to college to learn professions and even grow spiritually, the chance to themselves one day become Mommy's or daddy's...all because of the Blessing that is YOU. I wish I could give you a big HUG right now. Congrats...what you did for your IP's and their world is truly amazing. (especially the tough stuff...not just anyone has a heart that big!!)
You did a wonderful job! I'm sure B and C will do great! You have given them and the IPs such an amazing gift. I hope you recover quickly. Just keep moving! You've gotta be looking forward to getting home and spending time with your family. You are an amazing person.
We love you and we're praying for you. I just got Peter's emails and had no idea what was going on, so sorry. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we love you and are looking forward to seeing you all again.
I never had the opportunity to tell you how much I respect what you've done for your surrogate family. It is a very special gift that you have given them and it takes a special person to offer that gift to someone. You're da bomb.
Chellee - you really are an amazing woman. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, the job you did in carrying those precious babies, getting so far without having to go on bed rest, then doing the home monitering, changing the catheter and delivering really was far beyond any words can express....We all love you and are here for you, all you have to do is ask!
We miss you and love you all.
We are praying for everyone…
You are in our prayers and am sure all will be well in the morning. I'm sure this has been quite a journey and an exhausting day. Soon as everything else this chapter will end and another begin and your lives will settle back to normality.
One day at a time. And just from reading I can tell today was better than yesterday. And so tomorrow will be better than today. You did an amazing thing that takes a special person. A special person like you. Lots of Love from all of us.
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