It's been a long time since my mom and I went out to paint ceramics but it's okay because now we can do it at home. My mom bought every color that was offered on a website I found a few months ago. During the same time I had been looking at site after site trying to find the same large haunted house

that my mom had painted in the early 80's. I was having no luck until I sent a picture of the house I was looking for to a lady I had ordered other pieces from to see if she might know where I could get it. Turns out she had the mold but only made the piece to order and therefore didn't put the photo online. I had wanted this house forever. My mom had painted one before I was born but being that Steve is the oldest he is the one who got to have it. I just got the house in the mail last week and today my mom and I spent time painting the accessories that go around it. We had a great time and it really helped keep me busy so I wasn't bored. My DR said I was aloud to sit up at a 45 degree angle so I was able to paint that way. I had to be careful though

because the terbutaline I am on makes my hands shaky. I did good though and was happy with the pumpkins, scarecrow, and ghost I painted. My mom worked on the trick-or-treaters that stand in the lawn in front of the house. I have a couple boxes of Christmas village houses and I think a couple more small Halloween pieces that I can work on. With the paints my mom got we don't have to fire the finished product, instead you spray them with a coating that seals and protects them. Also you can add a rub-on antique that gives the pieces character, you can't do that with the underglaze paints that the shops use. There are a lot more options this way that we are doing it now and also you can see exactly what the piece will look like as you go. With the fired pieces you really don't know anything until after it is fired. This makes it so much easier.
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