My blog has been pretty boring without any pictures to look at. I am using my Dad's computer and I don't have my camera so I am little out of my element. Today I asked Judy if I could use her camera to take some pictures and she generously let me. I took a couple of the girls from my spot on the bed while they were having fun in the other part of the room. I don't have any photo editing software

and it is hard to get a hard to get a real great picture from the laying down position so you will have to forgive me. I thought you all would like to see how the girls were doing and my blog needed some more color in it. Also I added a picture to Brian's' graduation post that Judy took that day.
Today I had to change the needle and tube sight in my leg that connects to the terb-pump. A Matria nurse came out to assist me since it was the first time it needed to be done since I left the hospital.

I have to change the needle every 5 days and I am suppose to put it all in myself. Normally I don't have a problem giving myself shots but with this I am having a harder time. What it is is that I have to insert this needle that also inserts a catheter in my leg and then I have to pull the needle out. It isn't fun and I really don't enjoy doing it. It hurts when you put it in but after a couple of minutes the pain goes away and you don't feel anything after that.
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