Today, on my way home from volunt-
eering, I got a call from Rena who was in town and wanted to hang out. Perfect timing! She came over and we talked for a long time and then I got the girls up from their naps. Over the weekend I had talked to Brye about primary colors and how they make secondary colors when you mix them together. We went to our new Michael's and bought

some paint accessories and the three primary colors. Today we decided to have some fun. Brye told me how to make all the colors and once we were all set up we each made a picture with our paints. The girls had fun but after they were done they wanted to "fix mine." They had an even better time turning my pretty tree and flowers into a big orange and red blob. LOL Once we were done painting we had a huge mess everywhere.

Luckily the paints were washable and everything came clean pretty easily. The girls were really proud of themselves and the pictures they made and they couldn't wait to show Daddy their masterpieces. Thanks so much Rena for all your help this afternoon!
Sorry I missed it! :o) _Reba
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