Tonight was Bresa's preschool graduation. I know, she got out of school in May but they had a summer program so they did the graduation after that ended. We all got dressed up and went to the church in Debary for the ceremony and we were so happy that we got there a little early because the place was packed. We got really good seats but there were people standing up all lined up in the back and even some in the foyer that probably couldn't see anything. There were a few different classes so there were a lot of families there. When it was Bresa's classes turn they sang "Jesus loves me" and did hand gestures to emphasize the song. I am so proud of Bresa. She did so well

and seeing her up there made me cry. I wasn't expecting that since she is usually so independent that she doesn't usually give me time to cry before she is ready to let go. She was easily the smallest one in all of the classes. At first I was wondering why they put her in between the two tallest kids but then quickly realized that they didn't, that Bresa was just that short. She is so cute. After graduation we went out to dinner to celebrate after taking a few quick pictures outside. The graduation was actually good timing because tomorrow we have to go the elementary school to meet her new Kindergarten teacher and see her classroom.
Congratulations Bresa!! We are so proud and love you so much!!!
This is just the beginning, my dear Bryanna, no doubt you will go far in life! Uncle Steve and I couldn't be more proud.
Love you,
Aunt Heather
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