I signed up for a free ultrasound at Kieser University where they take pregnant volunteers so that the techs in training can get practice. We would only get one ultrasound otherwise so I was happy to find someone who would do it completely free. I wasn't sure what they would be doing and if we would even get to keep any pictures. When we got there they took us back and then two techs took turns taking all the required measurements for a normal ultrasound. It was fun

just to be able to see our baby again. So cute and so very active. The babies head was down at this point but we still have a couple months left so I don't know if that will change or not. The pictures on this post aren't that great because they are actually pictures of the photos that they gave us because I was too lazy to scan them. You get the idea though. We have an actual doctors appointment later today.
This is just the bestest thingy in the world!
See you guys soon!
Mike and Angella
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