&t The Taylor Family: Grooming Goose

Friday, November 7

Grooming Goose

When I went up to NY about 5 years ago my mom and a I stopped to see my Aunt Carol who runs a dog kennel. She had these really cool rubber grooming brushes and she gave me one for Lucy. As you can see in the video Lucy just loves it. :) It's pretty funny because she normally can't decide if she likes it or not. She will cry like this and then run off and then come right back and want some more. The brush is really great and pulls off a lot of stray fur that is still on her. I usually end up with enough to make another cat with, ew. You don't have to push hard and though it looks like I am in the video I really am not. Whenever we brush Lucy she is always so much softer. Thanks for the great brush Aunt Carol, we use it often even after all these years.


At 3:18 AM, Blogger Smith Family said...

That's funny! My cats do the same thing, though, not as vocal about it! They always swat and run... then come back for more.


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