This afternoon our friends Rena (also mentioned yesterday) and her twin sister Reba came over. Reba hadn't meet Javan yet so they got to know each other while we all talked and ate yummy dessert that they brought over. Reba recently moved to Tampa and we haven't been able to see her in a while. We were planning on going out there to visit a couple weeks ago but that didn't work out. We are hoping to still make it out there and are thinking about going for my birthday. I can't remember the last time

that I saw both Rena and Reba at the same time, it seems like years ago and it may very well have been. Peter was happy too because he hadn't seen Rena in a long time and was sad when only I got to see her yesterday. Back when I was in 7th grade and Peter and the twins were in 8th grade we all use to hang out together before school started. Peter and I never talked then but when we met again when I was in 10th grade we remembered being introduced years ago by these two people. Who would have thought 14 years after that we would all still be hanging out?
It is really great to have friends for this long. And they introduced you two, how cool.
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