Abbi has some things that aren't really for playing with in her room so she needed a nice shelf to put them on to keep them away from curious hands. I found a nice wooden shelf at Michael's the

ast time I went so I picked it up to put in her room. Since the wood was natural we needed to paint it white to go with her crown moulding and chair rail. It was a nice day outside so I took all

l the kids out and painted the shelf. Bresa and Abbi were playing on the swing set and while Javan played in his exersaucer. Pretty soon the girls wanted to help me out so we all took turns painting the shelf until it was done. Hopefully now that it is painted Daddy will put it up soon so we can get some use out of it. :)
I am so glad to see the new shelf,because now you will able to take home your Painted Ponies. They ask me every time I see them on my shelf "When are we going home to our owners? Is the shelf ready for us yet?" Don't worry I am taking good care of them for you. Love,Grandma
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