Our friends, Dan and Val, wanted to go the a Blue Oyster Cult concert and bought Peter and I tickets so we could go along. Peter knew a little bit about the band but I had never heard the name before. I thought it would be fun though to have a night out and do something different than our usual. We dropped the kids off at Grandma's house on the way to the concert at Hard Rock Hotel

at Universal. We met up with Dan and Val and hung out for a while before the band came on. I am pretty confident in saying that Peter and I were easily half the age of everyone else there. The band came on and they were really fun to watch, especially the bass player he was really into it, but I didn't recognize any of the songs. We didn't stay for the whole show because we still had to get the kids, drive home, and I have to work early tomorrow morning. We had a good time with Dan and Val but the music wasn't really my taste, I do like getting to get out with my husband from time to time though.
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