Well, for some of us. Usually when we take a trip I work the day we leave and then go back to work the day after we get back. This always proves to very stressful and exhausting so this time I planned a bit better. We left last Monday which gave me the weekend to prepare and we returned on Sunday but I don't go back to work until tomorrow. The last two days have been a

collection of laundry, child taxying, and meal making. My mom had already made my house spotless for our return so that was a huge headache I didn't need to endure. The only problem I have now is the longer I take off the less I want to return to work. Oh well, at least I only have a three day week this week. After Bresa was home from school and everyone's homework was completed I decided to take the kids out in the front yard to play on the slip'n slide while I tried to get some gardening done. I ended up mostly watching the kids play and taking some photos more than I did weeding like I had planned but we all had a good time. There were a couple collisions on the runway but everyone recovered quickly. Bresa actually got a bloody nose from hitting Javan's foot but I didn't tell her it was bloody and just made her rinse it off, she was over it within a minute and then back to running around (had she known it was bleeding she would probably still be crying from it). Javan seemed to

be having the most fun in the beginning but he was also the first one done. After a little drying off he walked around on the sidewalk for awhile and then shortly after that the girls quit too. I do enjoy being back home but Peter and I started missing Tina and Noah pretty much the moment our plane landed on Sunday. Thankfully, they will be moving down to Orlando in a couple months and we plan on seeing them a lot more often.
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