Peter and I got on our flight this morning after getting up early. We arrived in Orlando just after 10 AM and Mike met us at bagagge claim to take us to mom's house where mom was going to be with the kids. When we got to mom's Javan was very excited to see us, it was really cute! The girls were more afraid that we would take them home right away

than they were happy we were back. We got love from all the kids and they showed us the baskets they recieved this morning for Easter. We took the kids out back for an egg hunt and then came back inside to see what they found. Jim had made a wonderful Easter

dinner so we all enjoyed the nice meal. We packed up Oscar and got all the kids strapped in and then headed home. When we got the tickets to go to Ohio we didn't realize that we were returning on Easter until a few days later. Peter and I were very sad that we were going to miss church and our Worship Pastor was really upset because that meant Peter couldn't play at both services. Lucy greeted us at the door and talked and talked and purred and purred. Mom said she hid under the bed all day and then slept on the bed at night.

I know she was happy to see us. After I left the room I heard her crying and she wouldn't stop until I came back in. My mom had cleaned our house up so beautifully and it is so nice not to have to worry about all the little things right when you get back from a trip. The girls really wanted to dig into their baskets but while we were waiting for daddy to finish up something I fell asleep and ended

up taking a decent nap. Once I woke up the kids finally got to see what their baskets held and had a great time going through them. The girls spring break is now over and they have to go back to school tomorrow. We got all the kids cleaned up in nice warm showers and got them ready for bed. Javan is sick with a cough and congestion so I wanted to make sure to put him down to get a good night's sleep. He was a little spoiled

while we were away so it may take a while to get him back into routine. Before the girls went to bed Daddy got out the gifts we brought them home from Ohio. We had a great yet, untradional, Easter but no matter what we do or how we celebrate, it all revolves around Christ and Him being Risen! Praise God for all our blessings, especially His son who died for each of us!
Happy Easter from our family to yours.
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