This last weekend I had bought things for the girls to make a cake and decorate it for Memorial Day. Well, Abbi ended up going to Grandma's for a couple nights and didn't get back until later Monday afternoon. At that point there was a lot of crankiness in the house so I decided not to tell the kids about my idea. Now that the work week is over (thank goodness, it was a doozey) I figured it

was time to break out the goods. I didn't tell kids what the end product was going to be, we just did each step at a time starting with the red velvet cake batter. Javan tried to help and ended up making a collosal mess in the kitchen. I must have been in a good mood because I had to laugh about it. While the cake baked I worked on scrubbing the counters, floors, and cabinets and thought about how much the mess looked like crime scene. It seemed to look more like it the more I cleaned but eventually everything was

cleaned up and though I may still have a slight pink tint in the tiles my cabinets haven't been that clean since we moved in. Once the cake was baked and cooled the girls got to take care of the fun part; decorating! Bresa iced the cake up really nicely and then together they followed my instructions on where to add the blueberries and strawberries. When the

cake was just about finished, Bresa finally realized that it was an American flag! She got really excited and I explained to Abbi that she did the stars while Bresa made the strips. It sure was a lot of fun to make but I think I will enjoy eating it even more.
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