If you ask her, Abbi will say, "I did grow because it's my birthday!" This morning my little four year old turned into a big five year old. She was very excited to tell me that it was her birthday (in case I had forgotten I suppose). I made her yummy oatmeal with sliced bananas and a big "5" made out of blueberries. When I went shopping over the weekend I picked up some mini cupcakes for her to take to school with her and share with her class and she was excited to be taking those with her today. From what

I heard she had a great day at school and after a nice long nap she got up and played a while. When I got home she wanted to draw with her new chalk outside so her and Bresa made beautiful pictures for everyone to admire. I had asked Abbi what she wanted for dinner, at first she said Quesadillas (isn't that every child's first choice?) but when I gave her the option she decided she wanted a happy meal from McDonalds. Grandma came over and we went to dinner. Abbi picked exactly what she wanted and after the girls ate they went and played on the playground for awhile. Grandma was headed out to her Life Group that meets on Tuesdays and asked Abbi if she would like to go with her and then spend the night at her house.

Of course, Abbi said yes to this, so off they went. We kissed our five year old good bye and returned home one child light. Abigail may be getting bigger but she will always be my baby girl. (First picture is of Abbi five years ago today, second is Abbi today, third is sidewalk chalk fun)
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