Tonight I kissed my four year old good night for the last time. Tomorrow Abbi will wake up and be "a whole hand full" with five fingers flashing, one for each of her years. My baby girl is growing up and I am so sad! I asked her what I was supposed to do without my four year old? Her response was, "Javan will be four some day." A few months ago Abbi said she was going to stay

four and actually asked if I would pray to God to make her three again to stay forever. She said she liked being three because she could suck her thumb. As her birthday approached though, she decided she wanted to turn five afterall and have a birthday party. She told me that she would stay five though and not get any older than that. A few nights ago Abbi came into my room and said she wanted to turn six next year but not get older than that. We talked about it a while and decided that five was a better choice and she could turn five but next year she would just stay five. Tonight when I tucked her in, I asked her again if she was sure she wanted to turn 5 and told her she could just stay 4 but she said, "but at school they make you a crown if it's your birthday and I really want a crown." I can't compete with that, I guess I will just have to learn to love the five year old as much as I do the four year old Abbi.
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