&t The Taylor Family: Answered Prayers

Sunday, July 25

Answered Prayers

I know that God uses me but sometimes He blesses me with allowing me to see the way He uses me. This week has been like no other. On Sunday I gave my testimony and after the first service I had people coming up to me and thanking me. People told me that I helped them realize what they were doing and some people asked for my advice. Monday I posted my testimony on the blog and have had lots of people talk to me about it. On Wednesday I received an email that changed my entire world. Apparently the mother of the triplets follows my blog. This wasn't completely a surprise since I have had my blog for several years, from before the surrogacy. When I first saw the email, I almost erased it because I didn't recognize the sender name. Something in the first line caught my attention though and I kept reading. The email was from the triplet's mother and in her email, she must have thanked me a dozen times for what I did for them, she told me about the twins and how healthy and tall and smart they are, and she apologized for what had happened. In the one little sentence about the twins she had just answered my biggest prayer. I never even knew if the twins survived. I had prayed so many times that maybe one day I would just hear something, maybe one day I could see a picture or hear that they were alright. God is so much bigger though! I wrote back to their mother and thanked her for answering my prayer and contacting me. The next thing I know we had arranged to meet today at 3:00! My stomach was in knots as we drove to meet them, as I waited for them to pull up I just about went crazy. Peter saw them first and we went out to greet them. The twins are beautiful and I could only cry. I was almost afraid to touch them, this just felt too much like a dream. Three years I had just wanted a glimpse of them, three years all I did was think about what they might look like or what it would have felt like to hold them, three years of wondering if they even survived. But today, here they were, walking up to me like it was any other day. I got to hug them and smell them, I got to hold them and listen to them laugh and cry. I was just amazed by them and I can't thank God enough! He is so awesome!! We all sat and talked for two hours and caught up on what was going on in our lives. It was so good to see everyone and I still can't get over this gift that God has handed me. We took some pictures, but I was asked not to post them, and I thanked the mom when we separated and she thanked me. It is so hard for me to completely understand just how much God has moved in my life this week. I had only asked for a word or at most a photo of the twins but God stepped in and said, "I can do better than that!!" All Praise be to God and to Him be all the glory!!


At 8:54 PM, Blogger woodykelli said...

Wow, what an amazing, mighty, poerful, loving, and gracious God we have. It is amazing to know that God does care about our every need and He will take care of us, even our hearts desires. We are so happy for you guys. You both are a true testimony of just how awesome and big God really is. Thank you for being willing vessels for God's' kingdom.

Love ya,
Kelli and Woody Meyer

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

What an amazing story!!! I am so glad you were able to reconnect with the twins and their family. I have followed your blog for many years and I have ofte times wondered about the babies as well.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Rayna Nielsen said...

That is so wonderful!


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