This year our Life Group decided to have a party to celebrate this national holiday. Normally, Peter and I go to Janell and Wyatt's house but they were going up to SC this year. Since Peter and I lead the Life Group and host all the weekly meetings at our home, when we have socials we have them at other people's homes to give us a little break from hosting. The party today was at Kelli and Woody's house which worked out great because they have a pool. We started off by swimming and Peter and Woody played more "Volley-Whale." When we got out the food was ready (everyone brings something previously decided, and a drink so there is always plenty of food to go around and divide up to take home left overs too).

We have some really great cooks in our group so it is always a pleasure tasting their foods. Tonight we had 2 kinds of whole smoked chickens, pull pork, spare ribs, and hot dogs as well as a bunch of sides and desserts to go along with the meat. After we were all full we sat around and talked awhile and then Peter pulled out his guitar at Woody's request. Peter started playing some worship songs and we all sang along. It was really great and probably my favorite part of the night. Javan did little dances for us which everyone

got a kick out of and before long it was dark enough to start the firework show. We migrated outside and the guys put on the show for us in the street. The kids all got to play with sparklers and had a great time spelling out their names and making shapes with them before they burned out. I thought I had picked up some pops that you throw and they pop on the ground but I apparently don't know how to read because

I bought Snakes instead. Oh well. Once the fireworks were over and cleaned up everyone started heading out. Peter and I and Bill and Lisa stuck around for a little Wii action afterwards but pretty soon we were all ready to get home.
Photos-(1) Singing after dinner, you can see a bunch of people but most of them are kids. We have 16 adults in our group so we are pretty large but Peter and I just don't have the heart to turn anyone away. (2) Javan's first sparkler experience (he was sleeping last year) (3)Watching the fun. (4)Setting off fun
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