My Testimony
A couple months ago I sent my Pastor an email about my testimony to forgiveness. I had thought about doing this in the past but always put it off but God had really been putting it on my heart lately and I felt it was finally time to get it down. I don't really know what I was expecting. I think I thought that if someone needed help with this issue I could make myself available and Pastor James would know who those people were since he is our Lead Pastor. The day after I sent the email I received one back from Pastor James and he asked if I would be willing to share my testimony publicly. The idea that God could use me in this way excited me but I was also nervous just by replying that I would be willing. I figured it would be a year or so down the road before Pastor James had a sermon that would focus on Forgiveness but last Thursday Pastor James called and asked me if I would share my testimony at the Sunday services (we have two). Of course I said I would and instantly became very nervous. I prayed a lot that God would give me strength to get up in front of the 700 or so people that attend our church and that He would give me the words that needed to be heard. Anyhow, our church records all the sermons and uploads them to the church's website so that those who missed the sermon can still hear it. This is link to download the sermon or you can listen to the sermon online. If you click the link to listen online use the picture below as a guide when the new window opens and click on 'Part 13' where the 1st arrow is on the left and then click on 'Sermon' where the 2nd arrow is to the right.

Totally Awesome, Chellee!!!
Being there in Church Sunday,Listening and watching your pain as you released your final "let-go" . I was clear I had not forgiven them.I didn't think about them much before but through your emotion that feeling of "how dare you hurt my children" and did you never realize those babies Was a pray answered from God ,through Chellee and Peter? I too had to really search my heart and if you forgave them I too am able to have Peace in my heart and as I feel for ALL babies and children,I pray for there health and happiness. I love you .Chellee & Peter
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