7 years ago today I became a Mommy for the very first time. Though this miracle seemed so small in my arms and took 21 years to come, my life didn't really start until the moment I held her. From the very start Bryanna has been such a blessing and though sometimes our personalities may clash, she is still my

baby girl whom I am very proud of. We really celebrated Bresa's birthday on Wednesday when I had the day off but Daddy still got up really early to get special birthday breakfast for our new 7 year old. I went off to work and then Grandma came over to watch the kids while Daddy got some work done. I had training but they let me out really early so I went home and we just did some window shopping and grabbed so groceries. Bresa wanted to go out for dinner so we went to Moe's and got Quesdillas. We got home just in time for the ice cream man and Grandma treated us all.
Bresa Brye, I can already see how God is working in your life and I cannot wait to see the beautiful child of Christ you will grow up to be. Mommy loves you so very much, you will always be my biggest helper!
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