I love my job but I don't necessarily care for all the people I work with. Most of them are immature and dramatic and that just isn't my style. I am friendly with everyone but I make sure to keep my personal life personal and never disclose more than I have to because I know that rumors spread around the office faster than a wildfire does during the driest season. There was, however, one person that I knew I could confide in and that I looked forward to seeing everyday; Radley. She is awesome and over the last

couple of years we have become really good friends. We had a lot in common and actually found out that we had a childhood best friend in common during different parts of our lives (talk about small world). Anyhow, Radley is moving on. She got a bigger and better job that she totally deserves and although I am extremely happy for her, I am very sad for me. I will miss Radley desperately every single day of work. I can't even think about it because it makes me want to cry. This morning before Radley came in to work I got the Supervisor that had her office spare key to let me in and we decorated the whole place. I had been blowing up balloons in my office all week so I had a huge garbage bag full. Plus some crime scene tap, a banner that Abbi helped me make, a card that I made sure everyone important signed, and little policemen and police badges to decorate it up. When it was all set we locked the office back up like we were never in there. When Radley came in she was super surprised and excited about her office. For lunch a bunch of us went to the Olive Garden and then I gave Radley a Jell-o pie I made for her (she is on a special diet but can eat Jell-o). I am so sad to say good bye to Radley, not only is she moving on but she is moving on to Virginia. So sufficeth to say, I will be very lonely at work now but at least we still have email and text messaging.
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