It use to be that we had a good one or two pumpkin patches here in Orange City but the last couple of years I haven't seen any. There are a couple churches in Deland and Deltona that sell pumpkins but nothing too close. We skipped the pumpkin carving last year so I wanted to make sure the kids got to do it this year. Yesterday I did my grocery shopping and the pumpkins at the store were $6 a piece. I considered getting one for us to share but then decided I would try the Farmer's Market today at a local park. I figured if they didn't have anything I could always come back to Publix and pick one up. This morning, Abbi and Javan and I got up and ready (Bresa had a book report to finish) and we headed down to the market. We got there shortly after it started and there was a lot more produce there than is usually available by the time I arrive.

The produce guy I like was there and he had pumpkins. Abbi helped me pick a couple out and then we did some more produce shopping and paid for our goods. We did really well and I wonder why I don't come more often, the prices are so much cheaper than the grocery store. For everything in this picture I paid just $11.75, that's a quarter less than just two pumpkins I could have gotten at the store that were roughly the same size.
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