Our friends, Vandita and Anupam, had planned to fly over from Tampa yesterday but the wind was so strong they decided against it. We rescheduled for today and after the second service at church Peter and I drove over to the Deland Municipal Airport to see them. We picked them up in the van and drove right down the road to a restaurant where we enjoyed some lunch outside and watched sky divers landing. It was pretty cool. After we finished eating Anupam asked Peter if he wanted to go up. I knew Peter would want to, he is just fascinated with flying and

he always gets so excited when he has a dream about it. He has expressed his interest to take lessons some day to me numerous times. We went back to the airplane and Anupam said I could go too but I figured I would let Peter enjoy a private lesson all to himself because he would definitely get more out of it. Vandita and I stayed on the ground with the kids and we watched as they taxied out to the runway and then took off. The kids played happily on the helicopter pads (they are level with the ground) and Vandita and I got to catch up a bit. When Peter came back he told me they flew to Crescent Lake and Lake George which is about 35-40 miles north of where we were.

At one point Peter got to take over the controls. He was really excited about that and he said he didn't do too bad. Vandita and Anupam had to head out to get back to Tampa before it was dark so we had to say goodbye. Next time they fly out they will have to come for a day trip so we can spend more time together.
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