The Science Center was having their annual Otronicon

Event where all the Video Gamers come out and try out some new games and such. We had tickets to go so we figured today was a good day. We hadn't planned anything for Javan's birthday but we had to be in Casselberry in the evening for our friend, Rena's, engagement party. After the girls and I got home from our brunch we all headed to Orlando and met our friend, Angella, who works at the Science Center.

We walked around a bit and Peter got to fly a flight simulator which he is just fascinated with. The kids and I touched a bunch of stuff while Peter was flying and then when we got back together we explored some of the other floors. The video game stuff was cool but the girls were really more interested in the Science Center Exhibits that are always on display. Abbi found the volcano exhibit and Bresa played with this really cool floating sphere that was probably 5 feet in diameter. You could turn it into the different planets in our solar system and explore the surface. It was really neat. There were a couple other cool things that Daddy played with like the wave tank and the tornado tube. They had

one of those hurricane cases where you step in and close the door and an accelerating wind gets up to 75mph while you're in it. The door locks once the wind starts to climb, Bresa loved it but Abbi kept trying to get out, I don't think she realized it would stop after a few seconds. We met up with Angella again

and her and I did some virtual shooting, it was pretty fun but I would have preferred a rifle. Peter went after us and he did really well. You used actual guns and magazines that have been rigged to work with the software, of course there was no real ammo involved. On the first floor there is an Orange picking station where the kids collect oranges (plastic balls) and put them in a wooden box, then you put the full box on a conveyor belt and it empties the box and returns it to you.

The oranges are separated and go up a tube and then come back out in the trees to be picked again. That was probably all of the children's favorite thing. They would have been happy to stay there all day. We explored the rest of Kid Town and after that the kids kept asking to go back to it all day. It was pretty cool, they had a tree you could climb up and a tunnel that showed you what it was like under the streets in some cities.

On one of the floors there were a bunch of chess sets for people to play and they had a huge chess board that you could walk on. There was a game going on when we went up there but the girls still enjoyed playing with the pieces that were already out of play. Javan took a nap at some point during the day which was nice and unexpected. After we had seen and touched it all we headed over to my mom's house. We made the children sandwiches and dropped

of Javan for a sleep over. We were going to Rena's Engagement Party and didn't think he would enjoy it. It was entirely an Indian cuisine which is why I fed the girls beforehand but they did eat a couple things here and there and of course the cake in the end.
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