Back in October the Sanford Police Department moved to a new building. Our old building was built back in the early 70's and we were all cramped in there like sardines and a lot of units had to work out of the substations because of it. One of the major problems with the building was the lack of space for the growing amounts of evidence. All my stuff is high liability and has to be strictly secured and we were running out of space to put it all. During the years additional buildings had been added to the main building, things like a trailer for Street Crimes and Narcotics Unit, an out door shed for my bikes and large evidence, and the bay was converted to an office for Crime Scene and my bulk evidence storage. When I started at SPD there was talk of a new

building but I guess the talk was old because every one had little faith they would see a new building in their life time. I listened to the wishfulness but didn't think much of it, I just dealt with what I had. After a couple years plans were drawn up for the new building. There were meetings weekly and eventually even site tours of the progress. It was hard not to get excited about all the space and cleanliness the new building would bring. It only took about 18 months to finish the building once it had been started and then we had to move everything. For all the departments movers were hired, except for my stuff of course. Because of the sensitivity of my property I couldn't allow just anyone to handle it. I was in charge of transporting all my stuff to the new building. I secured the high risk items (guns, drugs, money, jewelry, etc) before I left and then with the help of some of the investigators I received it on the other end completely intact and preserved. The bulk evidence wasn't as sensitive but I still had to draw up an inventory of each item that was to leave the old building and then I checked it off as it was received. It was an extremely tedious and time consuming task but in the

end everything was accounted for. It has taken about this long to get everything organized and put exactly where I want it but now I am at the point where I am actually happy with how everything is set up. I am still getting use to having my evidence and folders at my fingertips, for the last 3 years I had to literally leave my office and building, walk across the parking lot and through the CST's office to get to any of my (non high risk) evidence or folders. The first picture is the old SPD building, I couldn't find a good shot so I took this one from Google Maps. The second picture is our new building; it shows you the front of the building but my office is located on the exact opposite corner, upstairs.
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