After getting cleaned up a bit yesterday we all found the spots that didn't get coated with sunscreen. Not too bad for the most part. The girls looked real good but Javan had red cheeks and a red chin and I had two nice strips on one of my arms and one of my legs. Peter had a bit on his legs too but since he burns easier than the rest of us it was more uncomfortable for him. I had bought him a UV shirt for the trip and that seemed to do wonders for his back and chest. He didn't put any sunscreen on there but he was not even a little pink when it came off. Since we still have a whole week to go we decided to do something a bit different today and drove down to Canal Street where there are some little shops all along the road.

We parked and walked down each side of the street but there really wasn't much there and when you got out of the shade it got hot real quick. We only stayed an hour or so and went back to the condo when we saw there weren't any shops we were really interested in. Around lunch time Peter and I took the kids up to the Volusia Mall to wander around a bit. Mom stayed back at the condo to catch up on some sleep and enjoy some quiet time alone. At the mall we had some Chick-Fil-a for lunch and then just walked through to see the stores. This mall may not be far from home but I don't think I have been inside it for at least a dozen years. When we reached the end of the mall we bought tickets for the kids to ride on the train that drives around the walkways. Javan had seen the train while we were eating and couple times

after while we were walking and was so excited about it. He would yell, "Hi Thomas the Train!!" and wave and wave until it was out of sight. I had to ride with him since he was under four but Daddy hung back while we were one our trip around the mall. The girls really enjoyed the ride and Javan just looked out the sides at all the things happening around him. When we were done with that we headed down the road to Angell and Phelps Chocolate Factory. It is just a small store with a free tour of the kitchen and design area. We took the tour and learned quite a bit but the best part were the free samples at the end. We picked up a couple chocolates for Grandma who missed all the fun and then headed toward Port Orange where we stopped at the movie theater to watch Winnie the Pooh's new movie. Javan loves Winnie the Pooh and it was

short enough to keep his attention while he sat and ate popcorn. The girls really enjoyed the show too and told us their favorite parts. I thought the movie was really cute but glad it wasn't any longer because Javan had just started to get ansi. It was a good day not to go to the beach as it had rained on and off ever since we left. On the way back from the movies Javan fell asleep in his carseat and didn't wake up until after dinner. When we got back to the condo Grandma had a wonderful surprise for us for dinner: grilled steaks, fried potatoes, grilled butter crescents, sauteed mushrooms and sliced tomatoes. Dinner was delicious and very filling but for dessert Grandma brought out prepped smores so the yumminess was not over yet. We roasted our marshmallows over the hot coals on the BBQ

and made gooey delicious smores to chase down our steaks. It was pretty dark out by the time we finished cleaning things up which was perfect for what we had planned next. Javan woke up and I gave him a light dinner and then we headed to the beach with our flashlights and buckets. There were only a couple other people out on the beach at 9pm in the dark so we had free reign over the sand to search for the crabs we wanted to catch. Daddy was a great spotter and used his flashlight to point out the crabs while Grandma and I chased them into our buckets using shovels. The little crabs were the fastest and really hard to catch so we let a few of those go without even trying for them. We did catch one really big crab that could almost get out of the bucket when he stood on his side, he was the girls favorite. Abbi caught a crab all by herself which made me really impressed.

While on the beach we ran into some girls who were also catching crabs and had found 3 so far, we showed them our 8 or 9 that we had collected and decided to team up to find more. They had a net which worked great for trapping so with some teamwork we collected at least 8-9 more. Bresa had started helping by grabbing the crab through the net to drop in the bucket, I told her to be careful and eventually she did get pinched. Once we had decided we had enough we set up our racing lines and then let the crabs run for it. They were everywhere and some so fast you didn't even see where they went.

Some were just stunned and sat there but if you stepped toward them they would take off again. Another day of fun completed and I am definitely ready for bed. I am sure all of us will sleep well tonight.
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