Well we made it through the weekend. I was really hoping I would get to ate the children trick or treating but with the twins coming at any moment I was afraid to get too excited. My friend, Kelli, told me about a special that Cici's Pizza was having for Halloween and how kids ate free if they were in costume. After

I got home from work the kids got their costumes on without my prompting and prepared to leave. Peter and I made sure everything was in order and we lit our pumpkins and were off. I had talked with a few other friends, Cindy and Lisa, and we all decided to meet Kelli there to eat dinner.

We all had our fill at Cici's, and maybe a little more and then after some good conversing we all headed over to Kelli's neighborhood (one of the few in Volusia County that has sidewalks) to go trick-or-treating. It was probably just after 6 when we started going door to door and we had quite the group characters with us. Everyone was really concerned for me walking but I assured them I was fine and that walking in late pregnancy is good for you and could even help bring on labor if your body is ready. Every year we go out we seem to go farther and farther and get more houses done before calling it quits. We walked a good 2

hours before we were all exhausted. Javan was quite the trooper though and wanted to keep going. He didn't want to be carried or have help with his bag. He was dripping sweat but wouldn't let us take off his hat or unzip his jacket. Abbi on the other hand was tired about half way through. She didn't really want to go on but when I said she didn't have to go up to all the houses she wouldn't stay back either. She persevered through the night with a little carrying and help but was relieved when we made it back to Kelli's house. Bresa did really well with getting to each house and for the most part lead the group to the doors. She did have one incident where she fell down and got a very tiny scrape on her hand but you have thought from her screaming and crying her entire arm fell off.

I told her that if she was that hurt she needed to rest and we could sit down and wait for the rest of the group to continue trick-or-treating before they came back for us to go home. she didn't like that idea and pretty soon the drama ended but not without her holding her hand up all night because she "couldn't use it." After all was said and done we had way too much candy and three exhausted children to take home.
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