I got very little sleep last night. It's never easy for me to sleep somewhere other than my own bed and even harder when Peter isn't next to me. He stayed in the room with me last night but he was in a recliner next to my bed. The nurses came to check on me regularly so it was hard to get sleep there and then my internal clock had me up at 5am because that is when I normally get up during the week. During one of the check ins I requested some pain relief for my cramps. They weren't really bad so I only asked for the very smallest and weakest strength medication they had to offer. At 7 my doctor came in and woke me up. He asked if I wanted to go home today. I was really surprised he would release me so soon but he knew the situation and knew that I would want to get back to my normal life and since I didn't have babies to take care of here I had no reason to stay since the birth went so well. I told him I wasn't sure because I knew it would be easier to get rest here whereas at home I have three children and a house to take care of. He said it was up to me and after we spoke for a few minutes I was too awake to go back to sleep right then. I checked my phone and answered some emails and texts and then updated my status on Facebook so everyone would know the girls had arrived (I was too beat to do it last night). Peter ordered breakfast for me and when it came up he went down to get some coffee and food for him too. Shortly after Peter came back with his food a nurse came to my room with baby A. There was some confusion with the nursery nurses and they didn't understand that I wasn't taking care of the babies while they were here. I texted the IM to see where she was. I didn't want to step on any toes by letting A come in my room but I was excited to see her again too. It was feeding time

and since I didn't hear back from the mom I said I would take over the feeding. After she ate and I burped her, the IPs came to my room. They were perfectly fine with me having taken her. We all talked a bit and then they left with Peter to put in the carseats and get some coffee. I sat with A and just enjoyed holding her. It was pretty amazing to hold her but not feel like she was mine. I know she grew in me and that I birthed her but I had no attachment that would cause me not to let her go. Eventually Peter and the IF came back in and I passed the baby to her Daddy. As the morning went on my lack of sleep was catching up to me so the IF left to give me rest. I held the baby a little longer but then called the nurse to take her to the nursery. I tried to get some sleep but after about an hour my friend Jennie came by to visit. I was happy to see her and we talked for a while but pretty soon I was tired again. Peter ordered me lunch and then he left grab a bite for him and head home to take care of a few things. After I ate I laid down and slept a little bit. It seemed every time I would get into a good sleep someone/thing would wake me before I was an hour in. This happened 2 or 3 times before I decided I would just sit up and read for a while. Peter came back after a while so I decided to get up and take a shower while he was there to assist me if I needed it. Once I was all cleaned up and dressed more comfortably we chose to head to the nursery and NICU to see the babies. When we got there the IPs were out and about but we got to see the babies nonetheless. Baby A was sleeping so sweetly so I talked to her a little bit but didn't pick her up. We went to the NICU and saw baby B. Today they said her lungs were clearer but earlier she was breathing very quickly and they couldn't feed her until she had calmed down a bit. By the time we saw her she had calmed enough and had eaten. Up to this point she had been pretty fussy but now she was nice and happy and sleeping quietly. I really wanted to hold her but I was afraid that if I picked her up I would wake her and they would have a trouble getting her back to sleep. Just like I did with baby A,

I just talked to her and stroked her face a bit. We didn't think to bring up the camera but Peter had my phone so he took a few pictures with that. We went back to the room and just hung out and watched some tv for a while. As for me, I am doing really well. I am so grateful that I didn't have to have a c-section. I am a bit sore but not much at all. My hands and face are a little swollen from all the fluids I was given last night through the IV. I can walk pretty well and do have to take my time getting in and out of bed but other than being a bit sleepy I can't complain. I have a lot of support from my friends, family, and church and I can feel the love and concern from them all.
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