My baby boy is three years old today. It is hard to believe that it was three years ago when I went into labor with him and had my first VBAC and only home-birth. A lot of things have happened since then but it is still hard to believe that my baby is so big. Today started like any other Sunday, we got up and dressed for church and then went out the door. We came home and after Javan had asked a hundred times if he could open his presents we

finally said he could. He got a bunch of different Legos and some new Lightning McQueen, cups which he really needed. After some lunch Peter and I went out to work on the play set some more. It was just the two of us today so things didn't move as quickly but we did get just about everything finished up. We stopped just after 5 to clean up and eat dinner before our friends, Joe and Jana, came over for some games and adult conversation. We had really done Javan's celebrating yesterday with all our helpers when we had the cupcakes so today was a bit more laid back and casual. As for the playset we just need to add the

handle bars, put in the slide, add the roof supports, put up the glider and stake the monkey bars down and I think we are done. I don't work tomorrow so hopefully I can finish it up.
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