Because of the holiday the kids are off from school and I have the day off of work.

There are a lot of things around the house that need to get taken care off since we were busy all day Saturday so I think that is what I will be doing today. This morning I made up a UV Gloss file for Peter so he could order new business cards and then I went out and worked on

the play set. I took a little break to put up the photography lights so Peter could get some good shots of a guitar that he just finished and needs to ship out to the client. Peter helped me put up the slide and then I worked on the rest of the things that were still needing some finishing touches. I made the kids lunch and let them eat it out on the picnic table which they loved. I think everything on the play set is complete except the stakes for the monkey bars which I will let

Peter do. We are really pleased with the play set, it has just about everything. I looked and looked at all the sets I could find online and this one was the best one I think. The club house is huge with solid walls instead of spaced out slats and it has a slide, picnic table, rock climbing wall, monkey bars, two bay

windows, two swings, a glider and the best part, a crows nest up top. It also has a sand box but we are going to leave it empty because we don't have a huge need for a neighborhood litter box or ant farm. I am very excited about the play set and I think it looks great.

It was definitely a lot of work but with everyone's help we got it up in minimal time.
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