&t The Taylor Family: Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Friday, February 3

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Today is Peter's birthday and he has been working really hard to make up for not being able to last week. I don't work on Fridays but the girls had school so it was just three of us at home for the day. Peter still worked a lot during the day but around 12:30 we had to pick up the girls early to go to a doctor appointment that Bresa had. After the appointment we had to hurry home because Peter had a client or two on the way but after that we decided to go have some fun. Peter chose to go just down the road to Family Fun Town where they have miniature golf, batting cages, an arcade,
go-karts, and a bounce thing too. We have been there to golf before but the last time we went was before they had the go-karts. This time we wanted to try the go-karts out. The girls weren't tall enough to drive alone but they could ride with Peter and I. Javan also could ride so we had to take turns. Peter and Abbi rode together while Javan and I rode the first round too. After we got out Peter took Bresa for a run while Abbi, Javan, and I watched on. We had a really good time and the girls really enjoyed it. They had never been on go-karts before and now they want to go again real soon. When we got home Tina and Noah
came over with a bunch of fun party food and games. Also, our friends Joe and Jana came over. I been asking Peter what he wanted to do for his birthday and ultimately he decided he wanted to play a big game of Settlers of Catan and just have a small informal gathering with some friends. For dinner I bought a large ring sub from Publix and Tina brought a bunch of sides and then made some apple slices dipped in chocolate and coated in granola. We played a great game of Settlers and Jana took the win! Peter really enjoyed his day so I am happy. Another year older and another year I get to spend with the man I love.


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