&t The Taylor Family: Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 31

Egg Hunt

Abbi brought home a little advertisement about
and Egg hunt at a park in our neighborhood. I had been trying to find good egg hunts in our area that fit our schedule but didn't find many so this was perfect. The hunt was at Valentine Park which we have been to many times and even did one of the egg hunts there a couple years ago. I took the kids over while Daddy got some work done and we found a couple friends and talked a bit. The kids all went in the bounce house for a while and then we found all the different age group and hunt areas. The kids were all spread out so I stayed with Javan and
then kept an eye on the girls from a distance. A firetruck brought the Easter Bunny over and Javan was extremely excited about that. Finally it was time to grab as many eggs as possible (it really isn't much of a "hunt"). Javan walked over several eggs to grab the one he had his eye on from the beginning and we had previously discussed. After he put it in his bucket he walked over several more and picked up another. I went and
showed him that he could just put any egg in his bucket and then he started to fill it up. When the bucket was about 2/3 full and there were still several eggs all around Javan comes over and says, "I'm done". Okay, fine with me so we went to find his sisters and got to watch them running around a little bit until the eggs were all snatched up. The girls were both proud of their buckets full of eggs. We jumped in the food line real quick while it was still short and then we found a spot in the shade to sit and eat and look at the treats. After everything was eaten and all the
eggs had been opened and rummaged through we put the empty eggs in the basket so the city could use them again next year. I let Javan keep the one he went for first because he was really excited about getting it. The girls each picked one to keep too and then we headed home.


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