Last night around 8:30 I got a call from my friend Reba who was heading home to Lake Mary from Daytona. She was right at my exit so she decided to stop by. I hadn't seen her in a week or so, so we caught up on our latest news with work and the girls and such. Peter called after 9 to tell me he was on his way home. Neither he or I had eaten but Reba already had. I figured I would just make something up at home but Reba offered to stay with the girls (they were already sleeping) so that Peter and I could go out to eat. It was a great surprise, we never really get to go out by ourselves. We went to Olive Garden for a nice quiet dinner. It was great to get out for a little bit, very relaxing.

When we got home we opened a bottle of Sparkling Grape Juice I had bought for Reba when I found out she passed her FL BAR Exam last month. We made a toast and drank up. It was great to sit and talk and catch up on things. Thanks Reba for giving us some time to ourselves and staying with the girls!
I suppose I shouldn't say we never get out, in fact tonight we are taking the girls over to Miss Kim's house who is baby sitting for us while we go with Chris over to a Halloween Party at our friend Jackie's house. Peter wanted to dress up but we didn't have the time or money to get a costume. I guess we could always tell people that he is going as a guitar player in his jeans and t-shirt. Maybe I should just stuff up a maternity shirt and pretend I am pregnant. That way I get a bit of practice in before my IVF next month. LOL
When are you going to come to our house Reba? We need a turn too ;) Congrats on passing your BAR Exam!
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