Back when I was pregnant with Bryanna, I didn't know if she was going to be a girl or boy but I had decided the nursery was going to be all Winnie the Pooh. At my baby shower that my friends threw for me my mom gave me the entire Pooh Alphabet. She had to go to just about every single Hallmark store in a 20 mile radius to collect them

all because no one store had each piece. I just love all the characters and each piece is hand painted and completely ceramic so they are very fragile. They hang over Abbi's crib where they can be seen but not touched. Today I took them down to dust each piece off and return it to it usual spot. After my mom bought me the complete set her Hallmark store went out of business and was selling all their fixtures so she bought the shelf they sit on which they didn't sell in the stores. I still can't get over all the effort my mom went through to find each piece and make sure they were all in good shape and not broken. I will keep these pieces forever until it is time to pass them on to my first grandchild. My mom is always so selfless and my children are the luckiest girls in the world to have a Grandmother like her.
They look so cute in the nursery. I loved them because everytime I saw them I would think back when you and your sister and brothers were so small. My life hasn't caught up with me yet. I can not believe you all have grown and now I have grandchildren.All this has happened and I am still 35??? Must be a time warp.. Love you all so very much.Mom
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