While I was in San Diego having a blast with the IPs, Shar bought a pack of home EPTs so that I could see if I was pregnant before my doctor's visit this morning. We were told it takes 8 days from the transfer date before my body would show me as being pregnant. We were also told that if the test came out negative it didn't necessarily mean

I wasn't pregnant just that my body wasn't showing it yet. However if the test showed as positive it was safe to say we were pregnant. Shar bought a three pack of tests and we chose the dates we would try and try again if we had to. Come Friday morning I woke up and took the first test. Johnny told me that if it was positive I had to go wake them up and show them the results. Well I waited a couple minutes before checking on the test and when I did I was greeted by two pink lines indicating I was pregnant! I was so excited for our IPs but it still seemed so unreal. I sent Brye in with the test (after cleaning it off) and after she disappeared I heard Johnny shout to Shar and then I heard her screaming (I think they were happy). I didn't want to say anything on the blog until my test at the doctor today. I went in this morning and had some blood drawn and got a call a few hours later with the results. I am in fact pregnant and my beta results were 1413. I know that doesn't mean anything to me either. I asked about the numbers and the doctor said that they like the number to be above 100. Because my number is so high it is possible that I am having twins but isn't necessarily true and they won't know for sure until the ultrasound on the 18th. I have to go back to the doctor on Friday to give more blood and make sure that my Beta numbers double, when they get those results they will have a better idea of whether or not there are two babies or one. Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers, I know Johnny and Shar appreciate it also.
congrats to everyone. It is wonderful that it happened so soon.
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