Yesterday was a day of rest for the most part. We did just a little bit of running around to find some Christmas lights and things to hang them up with on the outside of the house, but we mostly stayed home. Today Peter and I took the girls and we drove around (in Shar and Johnny's car) to explore what will soon be our new home. We tried to figure out our way around without getting lost and we did pretty well. We knew where some things were just from driving in the area with Johnny and Shar so we had somewhere to start at least. Later we drove down to a mall in La Jolla (pronounced La Hoya), which is about 15 minutes away on the interstate, and walked around there a bit. We went into a lot of the stores but we didn't buy anything. We had fun playing with all the toys, cameras, computers, things for the house etc.

When we got back home we found Shar and Johnny and their girls decorating a beautiful tree they had just picked up. It was really tall and it went perfect in the spot they had it in. Peter and our girls joined in the decorating and I took pictures and passed out tinsel to Brye and Abbi. After dinner Shar had a special treat for the girls, a gingerbread house that needed to be put together and decorated with candy. Brye almost didn't get to help because she wouldn't finish her dinner but once Audrey and Hannah started to get everything out it didn't take long for Brye to stop her fussing and finish up,

she really didn't want to miss out on decorating her first gingerbread house. Abbi even got to help decorate a snowman for the front lawn (that is when she wasn't trying to eat everything). She likes to be a big kid and she tries so hard to do everything that everyone else is doing. Abbi is pretty smart too, she watches to see what is going on and then she dives into it herself so she won't be left out.

When the house was all finished it looked great. The girls did a great job with all the decorating and they were all really proud of it. Brye told one of Sharons nutcracker soldiers that he could live inside the house when it was all finished. It was a lot of fun for the girls and it looks good but I don't think it's something that can really be eaten.
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