Ever since we went and painted ceramics last month my mom has been itching

to go back so we made a date to go today. I went over to her house and then we went to lunch and after we picked out some wallpaper for some bathrooms that my mom is redoing we headed over to get All Fired Up. When we arrived there were no other customers but we stayed so late that we got to see a whole bunch of people come and go. My mom worked some more on the big haunted house that she started last time and I started a new piece since I had finished my pumpkins in the last sitting. Mom got a lot done on the house but it still isn't done, I worked on a smaller piece and finished it up so I left it to get fired. We had a great time but we sure were there a long time.

We plan on going back next week but now we have to work around Peter's schedule because we just found out that he will be in Chicago from Wednesday through Saturday. I will sure miss him while he is gone. :( I was only gone for the day and I couldn't wait to get home and get a hug, I don't know what I will do for four days all alone!
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