It's been almost a week since my surgery and I can honestly say, I don't feel much better than I did on Day 3 (Day 2 was by far the worst). It is still really painful to get up and move, more so in the morning. I have pain killers that take away some of the pain but not all and they make me really dizzy so it is hard to do anything after I take them anyhow. Yesterday was nice, I just rested all day while the girls were at Kim's and Peter was at work.

Today Peter is off and the girls are home. I like to have Peter home because he takes care of me but it is hard because I want to get up and help him with things that I just can't do. I have been pumping milk, which I plan on donating to a milk bank that gives it to NICUs around the nation, and this has helped to shrink my uterus back to it's normal size. I can tell that it is getting smaller because I can actually see my incision now whereas before my belly was still too big to see beneath. It is really good to be home and so much more comfortable than the hospital. My cat, Lucy, really missed me and hasn't really left me alone since I have gotten back. It's good to have her again but she is leaving fur everywhere because she hasn't been petted in a while. I never did get to see the babies and the IP's never did say so much as a "thank you" but I can't rely on the world to give me the justification that I need. Thank you all once again for all your prayers and well wishes, hopefully I will be feeling better soon.
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