Last summer I planted a bunch of Marigolds in my garden. Brye really liked the bright yellow and orange flowers and everyday we would go out and dead-head them to keep them healthy. We really liked the way our fingers smelled afterwards because Marigolds are so fragrant. Anyhow the Marigolds bloomed and seeded other areas and grew new flowers there. I explained to Brye that new sprouts were put there by God for us to enjoy and that I didn't plant them.

All summer Brye and I cared for the flowers until they died when the weather got colder. Throughout the whole fall, winter, and spring, Brye kept talking about the orange flowers that God gave us. She was really sad that they died but I told her that in the summer we might get to see some more grow in our garden. Occasionally Brye would ask me when the orange flowers were going to come back but all I could do was to tell her to wait. About a month ago I saw a single Marigold sprout come up but I didn't tell Brye as there there were no buds yet. Sure enough about two days ago a little gold flower bloomed and today I showed Brye it out her bedroom window. She got so excited, and I am sure she spent most of her nap time watching her Gift from God.
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