We went back to the base at 8AM to pick up Brian. He wanted to go to downtown Chicago so we drove down there for the day.

One of the things that looked cool was the Sears Tower so we found that first but the wait was 45 minutes long. We decided to come back later and we took a boat over to The Navy Pier. We walked all up and down the pier but we didn't really do too much there.

Everywhere we went people stopped Brian and asked him if he just graduated and thanked him for serving our country. It was great, I am really proud of him and he deserves all the positive attention he receives. After we got through with the pier we wandered back over to the Sears Tower but it was still a long wait. We grabbed some food nearby at an Italian restaurant and it was really good.

Finally we went back to the Tower and although the wait was still the same we decided to go for it. Brian had to be back on base by 8PM and if he was late he wouldn't be able to come out on Sunday. We had to be sure to get him back in time. The Sears Tower really didn't seem that tall from the outside but as you can imagine the view up top was great.

Also I got a virtual geocache to add to my numbers. :) We left Chicago and headed back to the base and grabbed some dinner on the way. We stopped by the base's Exchange to grab a few goodies before saying good night to Brian.
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