Last night I figured out a really hard puzzle that a local cacher put out for me to grab as my 1000th find. I wasn't sure if I would have it solved before I went to IL for Brian's graduation but I finally got the last stage figured out last night. I had 992 finds so I

still needed 7 more before I could grab the puzzle as my 1000th. Another local cacher called me and wanted a hint on the puzzle but I told her that I wasn't giving out any until I found it myself and that I couldn't go get it until I had 7 more. She suggested a late night rainy cache run. So last night we went and

grabbed 7 more caches and this morning I went to make my 1000th. The cache had been published for 3 days at this point but because it was so hard, it had no finders. I wasn't sure if someone had found it but hadn't logged it so I wasn't counting on a FTF (first to find) though I thought that would be really cool for my 1000th milestone. After I got to the cache site I searched for about 20 minutes. Finally I came up with the find I

was looking for and when I opened the cache log I saw that no one else had vandalized the log with their signature. I was happy to write the first log on the first page. I am very proud of my 1000 finds but I think I am more proud of being FTF on one of local puzzle genius' evil puzzle cache.
Congrats on your 1000th find, how cool that you were the first to find it!
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