This morning on my way to drop of Daddy and the girls, Brye saw a playground in a park that we pass by everyday. She asked if she could play there. I told her that if she was good for Daddy while I went to the PD than I would take her and Abbi to play. After I got off work

I went to get the girls and Peter said that they were pretty good for him all day. It was later than I had expected it to be when I headed home so I had to get the girls some lunch and then it was nap time. I told Brye if she continued to behave we would go to the playground before we went to get Daddy at 6. After lunch and nap time the girls were still pretty good so I was true to

my word and we headed over to get Daddy early so we could spend some time at the park. The girls had a great time playing and really wore themselves out. We were probably at the park for about 45 minutes and there was no one else around. Abbi liked the swing the most of all. Brye surprisedme by her bravery and went up to the highest twirly slide a dozen times.

I think she must have seen kids at school who were trying trickier things because Brye would never attempt something like that before.
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