
Peter had to do a little work at the shop today and then he came home and mowed the lawn. After I ran some errands, Peter and I took a few things we didn't need over to his brother's house for his family to use. Once we left there we took the girls over to see Kent and Jake and their daughter Kendrah. We had a great time and the girls had a blast playing together. We hung out inside for a while but the weather was beautiful so we moved outside before it got dark and dinner was ready. Kent BBQ'd some hot dogs and hamburgers while the girls ran around the yard. We had dinner and watched a movie after we put the girls to sleep. We didn't get home until after midnight, of course the girls were asleep long before then. I am taking the girls to see Kendrah and Jake again on Tuesday for a play-date, so it won't be long until they can all play together again.
hmm...that outfit that Brye is wearing looks really familiar!
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