Today after Brye was suppose to be taking a nap she informed me that she broke a ceramic pot in her room. I went in to pick up

the pieces and vacuum before I would let her play again. While I was cleaning I found another room full of toys hiding under her bed! Holy cow, I thought she had lots of toys before! I pulled the toys out and kept pulling and pulling until I finally thought I had them all. I put them in a big pile in the center of her floor so she could put them where they really went. When I showed her the pile she said "this is going to take too long." Yeah, go figure. This picture is taken about 30 minutes into the clean up process, I am not sure how much she got done but I do know she was working on it.
You are a good mom, Chellee. You are teaching responsibility. By the way, how are your classes going? Aunt Julie
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