Finally, after being canceled for the last three week days, Bresa got to start Kindergarten today. Grandma took Abbi last night so Daddy and I took Bresa to school for her first day at the Big Kid School. She picked out what she wanted to wear and after a good

breakfast of oatmeal with bananas and blueberries mixed into it, we were off to school. We took her the Cafeteria where we waited at her class table for her teacher to come and get her. I had her sit down next to a girl to wait and immediately she hugged the girl next to her (complete stranger) and showed the girl her lunch box and pointed out all the princesses and asked which one she was. The teacher came and the kids lined up to go to their new classroom and the parents kind of wandered behind them. Bresa did actually look back once or twice but she was perfectly content staying in line with the other kids. There lots of tears from other children but Bresa never stopped smiling. They got to the classroom and sat down at their desks. Some parents wouldn't let go and I wanted to watch through the windows for a little longer but Peter said it was time to get going. I

knew she would have no problem and I counted the minutes down through the day until I knew she would be off so I could find out all the things she did in school. She said she had a great day and really enjoyed it but that she "got a little whiney in the end because she missed Mommy and Daddy." I thought that was really sweet because she usually doesn't even notice we are gone. What a big girl she is!! Thanks Grandma for the new school clothes, Bresa loves her Ballerina dress that she has talked about for a week now!!
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