This morning I was going to take the girls out to the zoo and let them splash around a bit. The clouds looked threatening though so I decided to hold off for the rain. Well, I guess the rain didn't feel like falling so we pretty much just had an overcast day. After the girls took a nap Peter needed to get some paperwork done so I took the girls to a park that is just right across from our neighborhood. Not long ago the city put in a splash pad in the park near the play ground for the kids to play in. I hadn't taken the girls there yet but every time we drove by you could tell the kids there were having fun.

Since it is closer to our house and it was almost 5:00 we just went to the park today. The girls had a great time, until Abbi hurt herself (that's usually how it ends). After that we packed up and went home to get bandaged and fed. Now it's almost bedtime and I am exhausted and I didn't even play. The rain must have been waiting for us to have our fun because it is about to pour right now and the thunder is really loud.
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