It's that time again, Operation Christmas Child is underway. You may remember from last year about us filling up the boxes. Basically, what we do is get a shoe box and fill it up for a little girl or little boy and then bring it to church. We had lots of boxes this year so Peter helped me wrap them up pretty and then the girls loaded them up.

My mom had lots of things to donate that little girls would just love. She had a lot of little new toys to put in and then the girls and I went to the store to find some school supplies and hair accessories. We made 8 boxes this year but overall we spent about half of what we did last year since my mom had lots to donate. It took some rearranging and cramming

but we were finally able to fit everything into the two boxes. This morning at church we brought the shoe-boxes up to the alter and stacked them all up for the collection. Peter was playing on the worship team today so each of the girls took one box and then I had everyone sitting around me help with the others. We made sure to include a picture of the girls with a letter to whoever will receive the boxes. We did that last year and the girls got a letter in the mail with pictures of children receiving the boxes (not our specific ones).
If you are interested in blessing a child this Christmas you can learn more at
SamaritansPurse.org, if you haven't the time to make up a shoebox you can also donate at
EZ Give.
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