Show me a Smile

It was last Thursday (the 5th) when Javan first smiled at me. He had smiled before but always as a result of gas. This was the first time he smiled back at me, a social smile rather than spontaneous. I was carrying him around the store and holding him in front of me and talking to him like I do. He flashed me this adorable smile and then gave me a couple little coos. That is what made me think it was the real thing. Sure enough, every day since then he sits with either Daddy or I and we take turns smiling at each other and he gives us nice little coos to go along with them. As you can see, Javan's smile is enough to melt anyone's heart.
You can click on the image to see it larger with more detail.
He might have been smiling at you but he was thinking of me..and his next sleep over...ooxxooxx Grandma
aww that must be wondeful
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