Steve and Heather are heading back up to VA tomorrow so Steve can get back to work. My mom called me this afternoon and asked if we wanted to come over for dinner at their house and say good bye. After work I finished up a couple things and got the kids ready and we drove over to my mom's. Peter brought his computer because him and Steve always have to give each other stuff they have off their own computers. My mom and Jim made BBQ chicken and we just ate and talked.

My mom brought out guinea pigs that are only a couple weeks old. Her guinea pig had babies so now she has three more. The kids all played with them and loved on them until it was time to go. As we were packing up our stuff I noticed Bresa had red spots on her face and then her eyes got really red too. Apparently Bresa is allergic to guinea pigs, oh darn, I guess we can't take one home. My mom washed her face and hands really well and by the time we got home she was all better. It was sad to say goodbye to Steve and Heather again but we are glad that we got to see them one last time before they left.
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