On any given Sunday our church has about 800 people on campus. There are lots of ways to serve in a church this size and some of them need more help than others. Peter and I are pretty active, we lead a Life Group together, Peter is the lead guitarist for the Worship Team that plays for the services on Sundays, we have both taught Crown classes and may again in the future if they need us. Well a few months ago I was asked by the lead Pastor's wife if I would join the Women's Ministry. For as many people as we have in the church the WM is pretty small with only about 10 ladies that run it. Apparently you have to be voted in unanimously

and then there is a one year commitment if you decide to join. I was very honored to be asked and jumped at the opportunity. We meet at lease once a month and we plan at least two small events during the year and two large events which include a Spring Conference and a Fall Retreat. Tonight was one of our events and we had a Ladies Night at the Cafe. It was held at the church and we offered many different types of coffees and desserts. The room was set up to resemble a cafe atmosphere and the lighting was dim and seating comfy. We always have a speaker at our events who talks for 10-15 minutes on a certain topic and then the rest of the time is for fellowship and just hanging out. When I first joined the group I was a little nervous about being the youngest of the group but I quickly found many ways I can contribute. Our next project is the Fall Retreat which we are having in November at Daytona Beach. I am looking forward to this, I always have an amazing time and have posted the last two on the blog after I got back.
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